New web site!
Well, I’ve finally taken the plunge to sell on line via this new super duper web site which has proved challenging for a technophobe like me. But under the guidance of my lovely son-in-law, George, who has been endlessly patient with my silly questions and inability to remember which button to press or which tab to open, we are finally here and if you’re reading this, it’s a huge success!
In the last year, I’ve gone from pottery class once a week to having my own kiln and wheel and this has resulted in a huge upward curve on my production chart. The cupboards and shelves are bulging and I’ve given pots to all my nearest and dearest and still the shelves creak and moan under the weight of pieces that I am now reluctantly realising, I must let go to new homes in far flung places! So if you feel able to offer a pot a good home, pick something out and add it your basket!